The life of a toddler

1. Wake up before the sun rises

2. Skip the coffee


I can’t say for certain if every toddler is this way, but I am pretty sure every model comes with two modes – Go and Off. As far as I know, my son is on the run or asleep. He is like the energizer bunny; It seems like he will never run out of power, but just when I feel like I’m going to crash hard into the ground he shut off and goes to sleep.

I recently made a commitment to start living a more active lifestyle and I can honestly say that I am living up to that promise.  Even though my intentions of doing a workout DVD or going to the gym more often are not going as planned, my activity level has increased substantially.  When I wrote my last post, David was still home to help with Jet. When he left for Spring Training my mothering duties got REAL.  My little man is so incredibly attached to me right now and all he wants to do is drag ME around the house, the yard, and everywhere he desires.  This doesn’t sound so bad, but the problem is I AM NOT A TODDLER. I do not in any way shape or form have his energy.  Trust me – I wish I did.  I just don’t.  Maybe it’s because I am pregnant, or maybe that is a cop out. Maybe it’s a combination of being pregnant and just not having the energy I wish I had, but either way, I get a good 12 hours of daily exercise.

Up until recently I was carrying Jet all over the place. He wanted to go outside for a walk, but he didn’t want to do any of the actual walking.  Thank goodness one of my neighbors mentioned I should try using his stroller again and it was genius! Now, Jet loves to be strolled around the neighborhood… about 24879346 times a day.  All this walking will at least ensure I don’t go past my due date – right?!

I will say that my body has been aching a lot lately and I am sure it will only get worse as my belly gets bigger, but there is so much that I am loving about these days. With only 4 months left until we welcome another boy into the world, I am taking every moment to spend quality time with my little man.  I adore him more than words can say and I am soaking up this time with him.  Pretty soon he’s going to have to share me with his brother and I am not sure how he is going to cope with that.  I am optimistic that he will be so in love with his brother that he won’t mind sharing me, but then again toddlers aren’t always the most reasonable human beings. See >>  Nevertheless, I am going to cut myself some slack for not “working out” in the tradition sense because I know I am getting plenty of exercise and I have the best workout buddy I could ask for.

Let’s Be Raw: Part 2

I ended part 1 of “Let’s Be Raw” by expressing how I had to stop feeling guilty for a minute to take care of me.  After practically 18 months (9 during the pregnancy and 9 postpartum) of inactivity, I was so unhappy with my muscle loss and weight gain that I knew I had to do something about it.

Releasing the extraordinary guilt I felt in taking time to better myself was the key to getting things rolling for me.  The truth is, I am a much happier and healthier person when I am working out and eating clean, than I am when I am not taking care of my wellness.  Working out releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy – this is a simple fact.  I have noticed a huge change in myself all-around and I believe I am a better mother, wife and daughter because of it.

We have one body and we owe it to ourselves, our family and God to honor it.

I could make this post much longer but I think it is better to keep it short and sweet.  Less can be more.





Let’s Be Raw: Part 1

Hello lovely readers!

In order to really connect with my readers I realize I need to become vulnerable, something that is very unusual for me. In this two part series I am going to touch herein on the holistic approach I have taken towards living a healthier lifestyle and why being healthy is so critical to me. Firstly, it is vital that you understand my journey and why I have arrived at my current lifestyle. 😉

I will start off by saying that often times I struggle with maintaining the healthiest of lives. Let’s face it, it’s easier to just eat out, skip that workout, get caught up cleaning the house or taking care of your family, than it is to put yourself first for an hour to go to the gym, do that 30 minute workout DVD, cook a healthy meal or even read a self-improvement book. I can also say that when I get lazy I tend to eat out more or resort to frozen meals. In times like these I rarely find the time to read the bible or even listen to audiobooks – talk about lazy!  But this is why I feel so strongly that being healthy takes intention.  This means making a very conscious commitment to yourself…AND to your family to be a best YOU possible.

From a very early age I was extremely involved in dance and sports. I was born in a generation where kids played outside and we didn’t sit around all day playing video games.  Needless to say, I have always been active.  After graduating from high school I became obsessed with fitness.  I went to the gym seven days a week and did cardio for a minimum of 45 mins every single day. I counted calories and obsessed about my weight.  Most people would probably say that I was in the best shape of my life – and I was – but looking back, I wasn’t healthy in a holistic sense. Sure, I could squat 135 LBS, run 4 miles (although I’m a TERRIBLE runner) and I could fit into a size 2, but I would binge eat at midnight, I was never happy with my appearance and frankly, I likely had a distorted image of myself.

Fast-forward to Spring of my sophomore year at UM and I had gained 30 LBS. WOW- it didn’t feel like I had gained such a big number, but in comparison, that is more than I gained in my entire pregnancy!!! I went from loving fitness to not having any motivation to workout. Not coincidently, this was the same time David and I were on a brief break; I was going out, which is very uncharacteristic of me, and my unhealthy eating habits and lack of sleep were undoubtably culprits in my shocking weight gain.

Fortunately, this downhill spiral was short-lived and after roughly 3 months of living a life that was utterly depressing, I made the decision to get back in shape. Somehow, someway, I rose above it all and discovered newfound strength to get back on track. This time around I was convinced I wanted to compete in fitness competitions and I started getting in shape to do so.  I got my personal training certification and even considered a career as a nutritionist. To this day, this is when I feel I looked the best because I had more muscle definition than ever before. But after a year of preparation, I watched the documentary Food, Inc and almost instantly discovered that I was driven to be a vegan.  (Disclaimer: I am no longer a vegan but I am a pescatarian; More about that in another post). Since such a drastic diet change can throw off your whole metabolism and involves a learning curve, I gained a little bit of weight during my transition.

It took me 2 years to find a comfort zone where I wasn’t a raw foodist – this is what I became when initially going vegan since it was easier than getting creative with food – or experimenting with being a vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian and omnivore, yet again, to settle on doing what just felt right to me.  Slowly the weight started to fall off again and I found my true set weight-range.

When I became pregnant with little Jethro I stopped working out since I was tired, nauseous and a little frightened to do too much.  The experience of a miracle growing inside of me was so new and I didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize that. Largely due to the morning sickness I had THE ENTIRE pregnancy, I only gained about 25 LBS. I pretty much ate all carbs and nothing healthy appealed to me. My second trimester I started having the worst heartburn so even the foods I did like were hard to enjoy. Thankfully, my pregnancy went very well and just as scheduled, I had a healthy 7 LB, 8 OZ baby boy in the fall of 2013.  I was fortunate that when I left the hospital I lost nearly all the weight with the exception of the 10 or so LBS of fat I gained.

When I came home from the hospital I noticed one big change – CRAVINGS! I swear, I didn’t have any cravings while I was pregnant but suddenly all I wanted was junk. I imagine this was due to my high carb diet during the pregnancy but I cannot be certain.  Now, this lady was breastfeeding and I couldn’t afford to eat junk.  I was the only source of nutrition for my little man, so I had to make sure that I was eating a well rounded diet. Luckily, despite eating like a horse postpartum, the breastfeeding prevented me from gaining weight, but once the breast feeding stopped…it was a different ballgame! I quickly found myself up another 5-10 LBS and even though I felt guilty leaving Jet to go workout, I got over it and decided it was time to make myself a priority again. I had to realize that I wasn’t being selfish, but I was actually doing this as much for my family as I was for myself.

I will leave all of you with that for today and get back to you soon with Part 2!




3 Three 3

I never got around to writing the post I promised everyone that pertained to flying with a 3 month old and I honestly can’t even wrap my head around doing so now.  I have flown with my little man twice and although every baseball wife I know does it without complaint, I can tell you it is not the most enjoyable experience –  speaking for myself when I say so.

When I flew with Jet he was 3 months and 5 months respectively, and everyone told me those would be the easy times.  I really didn’t believe them, but now that my boy is approaching 8 months I realize that flying with him is progressively more challenging.  He is sooooo active now and refuses to take naps the way he used to.  I am sure I am making this whole experience out to be much harder in my head than it likely would be in reality, – just as I did when we first flew 5 months ago – but I loathe burdening people which subsequently results in me feeling overwhelmed by the idea of inconveniencing all my fellow travelers with my little baby.  I suppose I will have to get over these feelings if I ever want to fly with my child again.

All this being said, since I have this irrational fear of flying with my son, and I have also started working real estate again, I have not been able to visit David since I came back home in April. This means that it has been 3, yes three, 3 months since I have seen him but even harder, since Jet has seen his daddy.  While this year has had its challenges, I am focusing on all of the wonderful things in our lives.

I am so grateful to be home and to have a beautiful place that my family can call home.  For the stability that being home has afforded my child (he FINALLY started sleeping through the night at 6.5 months. Hip Hip Hurray!). For the companionship and love that our four-legged children provide us.  For the help that I have been receiving from my mother and the family. For everyone’s health.  And for the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Life is beautiful.




I used to write long, drawn out posts in which I consciously illustrated my life on this blog weekly and now brevity is my theme.  I promised I would fill you in as to why I have been MIA – and I do mean “missing in action.”  Aside from the fact that I am now a mother and my baby is pretty much my life moving forward, I have also had a lot of change taking place.

This year has been an interesting one for my family and while David continues to pursue the very unstable life of a baseball player, I have come to realize that our son needs more stability than the baseball life can give him right now.  That being said, David and I made the very hard decision to take a break from traveling together. Although it is extremely difficult and heartbreaking having my husband and his son living in two very distant places, it seemed the best decision for all of us.

Subsequently, I have decided to go back to work.  Many of you may already know that I have been a licensed realtor since 2006 and after being a stay at home wife and mommy – to furry babies and now Jethro – for over two years, the time has come for me to go back to work.  This decision, albeit not entirely easy, felt like the wisest investment of my time spent at home. I am starting to realize that even though being a mother is the most rewarding job on the planet, I need more than that to feel complete.  Since being home I have literally gone crazy decorating, adding flowers to my landscape and going slightly overboard on the amount of bird feeders necessary to feed the bird population. Clearly, I could either keep spending money trying to keep myself busy, or I could put my extra energy into something more productive and less expensive, like selling real estate.  🙂

At first I wasn’t so sure how happy I would be going back to work but now I am very excited. I feel like this is the direction the universe wants me to go and so I have decided to go with the flow…

Crying baby! Time to go!



Wowowow. I am embarrassed and horribly sorry it has taken me three months to update this blog yet again. What can I say? Being a mom is hard work! This season has been crazier than most and I really have not had a minute to myself. To top things off there have been a lot of changes in the works and during the little bit of time that I find, I am usually working on pending issues or trying to eat.  🙂

Anyway, I will be back in a few with some more details on what is brewing over here and I’ll try not to take another three months getting back to you.  No promises! I learned my lesson there…

Mommy duty calls!

Till next time,




Turning the Page

It has been a solid seven months since I have written a post.  A lot has transpired in my life since then and I can honestly say that I feel the presence of God in my life more than ever.  Since I last checked in, David and I bought a house, David became a Cleveland Indian, – farewell NYY – we welcomed our beautiful baby boy into the world, and just yesterday, we celebrated another amazing year of marriage.

Now that I am the mama to my own offspring – not just four legged furry babies – my life is consumed by poopy diapers, spit up and lack of sleep, all of which do not hold a candle to the love that I have for my little man. Believe it or not, what most people find “yucky”, I find truly gratifying. There’s nothing like seeing a nice poopy diaper and celebrating that your baby’s digestive system is working efficiently.  But enough about the favorite topic of new parents – poo – and onto what my goals are for this blog in 2014. I can’t promise that I will have the time to contribute to this blog the way I have in years past, but I will try to document my experiences as a mother while living the life of a baseball wife.

Moving forward I plan on sharing my favorite mommy products, taking into account how much we travel. As unconventional a lifestyle as we live, our son will also have to be raised in a rather unconventional way – we have learned to adapt and so will he.

Next up: Flying for the first time with a 3 month old.